domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011


Anuncio Spot Volkswagen Polo: Fagot - Febrero 2011
Promociona un coche Volkswagen Polo a través de un fagot.
Un hombre que sabe tocar el fagot enseña al público que gracias a un instrumento puedes tener mucha suerte.
Empieza por llevárselo en su coche polo con un amigo y siempre tiene temas de conversación. Se lo lleva a una fiesta, en su coche, y consigue una chica. A la mañana siguiente se levantan los dos, la chica mira por la ventana el coche polo y le dice al chico: “Tú tocabas el fagot, ¿verdad?”  Y el chico enseña al público que gracias a “un instrumento” o a un coche Volkswagen Polo puedes tener la misma suerte que él.

Anuncio Lanjarón  2011
Promociona el bienestar que nos proporciona el agua Lanjarón.
Un abuelo sube una montaña con sus nietos y le ensaña la pureza que tiene el agua lanjarón al ser baja en sodio y nacer de las cumbres de Sierra Nevada.

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

Redacción de Lengua.

Que si sí, que si no... Me vuelve loca pensar que tengo que vivir sin tus besos. (Hipérbole)
¿En qué luz de aquellas estás? (Interogación retórica)
Huiría hacia la muerte si no te tengo. (Hipérbole)
Besos, caricias, miradas... (Asíndeton)
Me matan si no son las tuyas. (Hipérbole)
Solo tú y tu sonrisa (elipsis) pueden raptarme de aquel mundo donde está atrapado mi corazón. (Metáfora)
Amor perdido, amor fugado, amor robado, amor helado... (Asíndeton)
Te siento lejano, inalcanzable, aunque estés a pasos de mí, no te siento a mi lado. (Metáfora)
¡Qué imposible es esta misión! Me gustaría ser por fín la dueña de tu corazón. Cuando estás junto a mí, es como me siento más feliz. (Simil)
Me imagino nadando entre flores, flotando sobre nubes, caminando sobre agua... (Asíndeton)
En fín... todo un sueño basado en una ilusión creada por toda mi imaginación.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

Poli ladro

 It is played on the streets and the schools, formed up by a group of friends. To be caught each other. You don´t use any object, are they worth pampering. When all the robbers caught, the groups change and the game starts again.

It began in 1915. They gathered a few childrens and then organized two groups, one represented by guards and a thief. As everyone wanted to be thieves, it started to luck. The guards were still in one place for a short time for them to hide thieves. After a while, is set in motion the "good" and as a "bad" was located, immediately behind him, as had been divided by different sites, we cornered and caught. So one after another, the gang of thugs was arrested, now changed, and "good" become "bad". The time spent out of control, that gang were so comfortable that they didn´t realize as the hours passed.

It is a very active game and I love it. It goes without realizing how much time and we had a very good time with all our friends.

My birthday

Last year was my birthday. It was great fun. It was on Friday and it was celebrated in my garage. My friends came to my house for the party.

In the morning, everybody went to the high school, but later, we had a party! My parents went to buy the food and  drinks for the party. At five o´clock,the party began. I put the karaoke and we began singing. The boys caught the ball and played football. We, the girls, sang the songs of the karaoke and danced. Later, everybody played to the ball, put the food on the table, ate sandwiches and biscuits and drank refreshments. We continued dancing and playing. At ten o´clock, my mother made some small pizzas and we ate the pizzas. Then half past eleven the party finished and my friends went to their houses. It was a great day!

My dream

I had a strange dream. I was in a castle and there was a dragon. The dragon was very angry wiht me and he was imprisoned. He broke the lock and was coming towards me spitting fire. I ran in the castle and hid behind of a slot machine with an elf.